1. Complete Application

Review our eligibility requirements, areas of focus, and overall grant process before beginning our online application.

Grant Eligibility

We invest in a broad range of efforts organized by South Carolina organizations and academic institutions. Applicants may request $25,000 to $100,000. Please use whole numbers only. For grant requests exceeding $100,000, please contact us in advance to discuss your program needs. Power:Ed grants must be used for the benefit of South Carolina residents and students (middle school through adulthood). We do not currently fund Pre-K and K-5 programs or services.

Funding Restrictions

We do not provide grant funding for routine operating expenses, debt reduction, capital campaigns, fundraising events, sponsorships, and political campaigns.

Please note: Only organizations working to improve education, career readiness, or workforce development efforts for South Carolina residents and students may apply.

Focus Areas

We value grant applications that target our focus areas, as well as those which include funding from similarly focused organizations, but we accept applications that target any education challenge. 

Our focus areas include:

  1. Supporting low-income, minority, and first-generation students
  2. Improving access to college and degree completion
  3. Creating pathways to quality workforce opportunities

Online Application

In order to complete the online application, you’ll need to have:

  • An overview of your organization
  • Funding information
  • Success metrics for previous and ongoing projects to demonstrate progress/outcomes.

Please note: Due to a system upgrade in September 2024, all users will need to set up a new user and password. Old applications are no longer accessible, but new ones will be going forward. You can save your application online and return at any time.


Power:Ed operates on a rolling submission cycle and will accept applications for grants at anytime. We will act on the submissions quarterly. Fully completed applications received by January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 will be reviewed, and a decision will be made within 45 days following those dates. Finalists for awards may be asked follow up questions about their project before a final award decision can be made.

2. Application Review

Our Review Process

Our review process takes approximately 45 days. We consider how your program relates to our focus areas and how it will help students and solve education issues in South Carolina.

In order to get a clear picture of your program we may ask to visit your organization or reach out to your organization’s partners or other funders during this time. 

3. Grant Approval

We will contact you as soon as our review committee reaches a decision.

“We’re passionate about helping students reach their potential and find success, and we believe investing in our students makes South Carolina stronger. We’re looking for grantees who share our vision and enthusiasm.”

Claire Gibbons, Executive Director 

4. Ongoing Review

Power:Ed grantees must complete periodic progress reports for our review committee. Before we disperse the grant money, we will work with you to define the reporting process. 

Continued investment is contingent on program success and the grantee meeting the parameters established in the grant application.

Start grant application