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Power:Ed, started by South Carolina Student Loan Corp (SCSLC), to fund education initiatives in South Carolina, formally launched today. Power:Ed Director Sara Fisher says that  grants will be awarded to nonprofits, colleges and organizations that help South Carolina students succeed in school, their careers and life. Power:Ed will focus on helping high school and college students prepare for the next phase of life, whether it be securing a quality job, going to technical college or getting accepted to a four-year college. 

"We're excited to invest in local education efforts that help our students become prepared for the workforce and improve South Carolina's educational system. Additionally, we want to help create opportunities and eliminate educational barriers for all residents of South Carolina regardless of age, race, gender or economic status."

– Neil Grayson, SCSLC Board Member and Power:Ed Committee Chair

South Carolina Student Loan Corporation established Power:Ed to give back to the community by investing in educational improvement programs in South Carolina. "At South Carolina Student Loan, we’ve seen how providing financial aid to students turns goals and dreams into realities. We’ve launched Power:Ed to extend our reach, because we believe education is the single greatest investment we can make in our students and our state's future," said South Carolina Student Loan CEO Trey Simon. "We're excited for Power:Ed to begin touching students' lives across the state."

Grant applications are now being accepted. Power:Ed grants must be used for the benefit of South Carolina residents and students.

Power:Ed also welcomes opportunities to work with like-minded funding partners across the state to make a greater impact. 

If you're interested in applying for a grant or partnering with us, visit

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