The Village Group receives $40,000 grant from Power:Ed for Plantersville Summer Academy to curb summer learning loss and boost social-emotional support for rural African American youth

GEORGETOWN, SC — July 23, 2024 — The Village Group, a nonprofit located in rural Georgetown County, working to equip African American youth with the tools necessary to succeed in school and life, has been awarded a $40,000 grant to boost summer learning and enrichment, from Power:Ed, the philanthropy of SC Student Loan Corporation.
The funds will be used to support the cost of evidence-based curricula, teacher salaries, and student field trips. US Census data shows that the median personal income in the Plantersville area is the smallest in Georgetown County at $25,792 making it significantly less than the state median of $44,601. This year, The Village Group supported 243 underserved and primarily African American students through the Plantersville Summer Academy. The grant from Power:Ed “provides crucial support needed to improve math effectiveness and literacy development and expand exposure to diverse career and college fields,” said Ray C. Funnye, Founder and Executive Director of The Village Group.
The organization offers equal access to quality education by providing a safe and nurturing environment, while at the same time improving performance on standardized tests and increasing the number of students who graduate from high school. Free transportation is offered at several convenient locations throughout Georgetown County to make the program as accessible as possible for working parents. One hundred percent of parents surveyed responded that they would recommend the Plantersville Summer Academy to other parents two years in a row.
On top of academics, the Plantersville Summer Academy brings in specialists to lead programs in diverse career and college fields like agriculture, physical fitness, arts, dance, cooking, and environmental sciences to name a few. These enrichment activities and adventures expose students to positive hobbies, life skills, and career possibilities while encouraging joy in self-exploration.
“The Village Group and its partners are working to address systemic barriers to education equity and economic opportunity in rural Georgetown, Horry, and Williamsburg counties, and we are so excited about the potentially transformative impact they will have,” said Power:Ed Executive Director Claire Gibbons.
In FY2024-25, Power:Ed, the philanthropy of SC Student Loan Corporation, is awarding $1,000,000 in grant funding to South Carolina education and career readiness nonprofits, including The Village Group. Grants are administered quarterly, and the next grant funding deadline is October 1, 2024.
About The Village Group
The Village Group is a 19-year-strong 501c3 nonprofit honored by South Carolina’s Secretary of State for devoting 98.9% of its income to programs. The organization is comprised of community leaders, parents, elders, and concerned citizens who strive to equip youth with the skills to build a sustainable community by focusing on college and career readiness, cultural education, and economic development. The Village Group seeks to help youth to understand and develop a lifelong love of learning through its core values of harmony, habitat, health, and history.
About Power:Ed
Founded in 2019, Power:Ed, the philanthropy of SC Student Loan, is dedicated to creating opportunities for South Carolina’s youth and adults by supporting low-income, minority, and first-generation students; improving access to college and degree completion; and creating pathways to quality workforce opportunities. Nonprofit organizations serving middle school through post-college talent who are interested in applying for a grant or partnering with Power:Ed, should visit