Power:Ed Awards Spartanburg Community College Funds to Aid in Launch of Success Coaching Program
Spartanburg, SC - Today, Power:Ed, an organization dedicated to making transformative impacts on the lives and career opportunities for South Carolina’s students, presented the Spartanburg Community College Foundation with an award in the amount of $39,375 to support the establishment...
Richland Library Awarded Power:Ed Grant to Support Career Online High School Students
Columbia, SC- August 25,2022 - Richland Library is the recipient of a $32,375 grant from Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan. This gift marks the second round of funding from Power:Ed and will serve 25 Richland County...
Power:Ed Awards $30,000 to Scale STEM Discovery Program in Oconee County School District
Columbia, SC — The Upstate Institute of Youth Programs, (UIYP) is a first-time recipient of a $30,000 grant from Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan. The funds will be used to support academic and STEM activities...
Power:Ed Philanthropy Announces New Director
Columbia, SC, July 28, 2022 — Claire Gibbons has been named the Director of Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan, as of June 7, 2022. This fiscal year, Power:Ed will invest $900,000 in South Carolina higher...
Power:Ed Awards Seven Grants Totaling $299,952
Columbia, S.C., June 8, 2022 — Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan, has awarded $52,500 to South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU), $39,900 to American College of the Building Arts (ACBA), $13,552 to University of...
Power:Ed Awards Six Grants Totaling $325,000
Columbia, S.C., February 23, 2022 — Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan, has awarded $25,000 to Community Foundation of the Lowcountry for South Carolina Nurse Retention Scholarships, $50,000 to Midlands Technical College Foundation, $100,000 to University of South Carolina...
Power:Ed Awards Five Grants Totaling $125,000
Columbia, S.C., November 17, 2021 — Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan, has awarded $25,000 to Hilton Head Hospital Auxiliary, $25,000 to Junior Achievement of Greater SC, $25,000 to Greenville Chamber Foundation, $25,000 to...
Power:Ed Awards Six Grants Totaling $272,000
Power:Ed, a philanthropy of SC Student Loan, has awarded grants to South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, Richland Library Career Online High School, Lexington-Richland School District 5, American College of the Building Arts, Carolina Youth Development Center, and Ground Zero.